Friday, August 19, 2016

In Oracle Cloud, we need to have public key when we need to create a service instance and private key is also required when we need to access it using SSH utility. In this post, we will show how we can create key pair (private and public keys).

For this post, we will use PUTTY to generate these keys as it is available for both windows and Linux.

Follow the below steps to generate key pair.

Step 1: Download the Putty key generator from link as shown in below screen shots.

SOA Cloud Download Putty

SOA Cloud Download Puttygen.exe

Step 2: Open the puttygen.exe file and it opens another window as shown below. In parameters, select “SSH-2 RSA” and “2048” in Number of bits in the generated key as SSH 2 is most recent version of SSH.

SOA Cloud Set SSH2 and Bits

Click on generate button to generate the keys and it opens the below window where you need to move the mouse in empty area as highlighted in red box in below screen shot to generate the key. You need to keep the mouse moving until key generation is successful.

SOA Cloud Generate Key

You see public key gets generated as highlighted in below screen shot along with Key comment; you can update the key comment name as per your naming standards if required.
You can also secure this key by entering the password in Key passphrase but for now we keep it blank.

SOA Cloud Generated Public Key

Copy the text for public key and put it to notepad and save it with .pub extension as we need this public key file to create service instance later.

SOA Cloud save Generated Public Key

Now, save the private key by clicking on “Save Private Key” button. Once you click it, it opens a pop up showing that you are going to save the key without any password, click on yes to save it.

SOA Cloud save Generated Private Key


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